Friday, July 29, 2011

G - Grouping

A Grouping of gum.  Ashley always wants gum. So on Christmas 2008, her whole stocking was filled with gum only. 

G - Glass

The cool thing about Glass is that you can get many different looks from the same piece.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

E - Eyes

 Snicklefritz and his handsome green Eyes.

This is one of my Aunt's horses. Look at his beautiful blue Eyes.

D - Disorder

I caught this picture mid bark while Gretta was playing, but it definitely looks like Disorderly conduct!

D - Dark

It was so Dark and she was wearing black so it looks like her head is floating!

D - Debris

This cool biker was made from scrap metal Debris.

D - Drink

Snicklefritz getting a Drink. Haha!

D - Door

This bench was made from an old Door.

C - Culture

I was kinda stumped on this one but I liked this statue.

C - Cold

C - Creepy

C - Color

Gretta wearing a Colorful lei.

C - Calm

A rare Calm moment......Ashley, Gretta and Lola napping on the couch.

B - Broken

This greenhouse has seen better days! It's a little blurry, it was taken at about 40 mph.

B - Busy

These carp at Linesville Spillway in Pymatuning are very Busy. I didn't get a picture of it, but the ducks actually walk right on the fish.

Saturday, July 9, 2011